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THE MINI MAG. Volume 2 No.2 | ![]() |
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Firstly, I would like to say what an honour it is to be elected President of our club. I am sure that I can maintain the fast forward direction our club has enjoyed during the first year of operation. Our club is indeed one of the best, biggest and fastest growing car clubs in Australia. We would not have achieved this without the enthusiastic members who supported everything the committee did. All members can feel very proud of their efforts. Secondly, I would like to thank Past President Glen for the work he did in getting the club off the ground and his input throughout the year. Glen will be a key member of the committee looking after the motorsport side of things. Thanks also to Mark for the endless supply of paperwork and the work that went into compiling the membership database. Also thanks to our first Treasurer Richard, who is off on an overseas holiday (not with the years takings I am told) and has handed the books over to our new bean counter Bob Ward. Great to see our club start the year with a healthy bank balance. Welcome to the new Vice President, Dave McGregor who takes over from Darryl Osborne. I thank Darryl for his input through out the year. Darryl is staying on as a committee member and I look forward to working with him again. I hope he will continue to supply articles for The Mini Mag. Also welcome to the new faces on the committee, Dave Perkins, Tracey York, Clarke Tunstall and Neil Preston. I look forward to working with them and hearing their ideas. There will be no time for rest however, as the planning for the Mini 2000 at Lakeside International Raceway on June 11 gets underway immediately. We want to make this event bigger than the Mini 40 of last year. A big ask I know, but I know that we have the people to do the job. The committee is still looking at the pros and cons of joining CAMS under the new scheme. We hope to make the final decision shortly, but it is not as clear cut as we first thought. We do not want to end up with CAMS controlling all of our events, so a lot more thought has to go into the decision. The Redcliffe breakfast and run to Maleny was another club success. Over 80 people for breakfast and just over 40 Minis for the day. A big thanks to “Crash” Gary Rand and Ray and Judy Retchless for setting up the BBQ site, M R Automotive for supplying the food, and to our host for the scenic run around the hinterland, Kev Baker and his wife Eileen. Kev owns K.B. Classic Parts, and stocks everything electrical you will ever require for your Mini. Unfortunately the overcast weather turned sour before we could complete the full tour, but we managed to get the best parts in and a great day was had by all. Kev led the cavalcade of Minis in his green Morris 1000, which he purchased when it was six months old, and I heard a couple of whispers that it was just like following Tony in his Cooper S. The trip home in the down pour was interesting for me as the wipers decided to work when they felt like it, but I made it without running into anything. I did hear that one member ran out of petrol on the Gateway Arterial near the Nudgee Golf Course. I can’t tell you her name because she will kill me, but it is not the first time that this has happened and it runs in the family, hey Tom! Well, I must go and polish under the “S” AGAIN !!! Cheers John Heselwood. |