THE MINI MAG. Volume 2 No.1
  January 2000

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Presidents Report

The New Year is upon us and it is great to see the enthusiasm of the members has not wavered. The Y2K bug hype did not really affect us, as the computer in my other car still runs.

It’s good to see so many people have renewed their membership for 2000. Remember that if you are not financial, you can not vote at the up coming AGM. This year promises to be bigger and better with a huge calendar of events planned. The committee has agreed to join CAMS to enable the club to hold motor sporting events. One of the reasons we have held off joining was the capitation fee of \\$9.00 per member, which we could not justify, as only a small percentage of our membership are interested in such events. The fee per head has been revoked. The CAMS membership allows us cheaper public liability insurance cover when we stage motor sport events.

The Motor Show Rally on the 5th February will be a great event with simple street directory navigation. The entry fee of $30.00 is good value, giving you 2 free passes to the show and a BBQ after the finish. Contact Dick Owen on 33798430 if you are interested in taking part. If enough members enter, a class for Minis will be added to the prizes.

The elections for the new committee are upon us, and I, after much deliberation, will take a break from the top job. I am sure my replacement will see the club in good hands. I will not be going far however as I hope to be looking after the motor sport side of the club. Any new committee always needs help and reassurance that their direction is heading the way that you the members want. Do not hesitate to contact any of them with suggestions or complaints. Also at the AGM, changes to the constitution need to be ratified. These changes will allow us to join CAMS and have Honorary Membership.

Twenty members have taken advantage of the clubs historic registration. For the uninformed, this reduces rego fees to just over \\$100 per year and cheaper insurance. However there are some concessions to be made. The car can not be used as day to day transport. It can be used for any club sanctioned event or road testing within 15km of home or taken to a place for repairs. The car must be at least 30 years old to qualify.

Don’t forget the coming events, in particular the Ski Camping Week-end. If you require tents or sleeping bags let us know.

Yours in Minis