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THE MINI MAG. Volume 2 No.11 / 12 | ![]() |
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What a year we have had. The club’s aim was to reach 400 members by the end of the year and we achieved this by the end of October. The club events and day runs were well supported through the year with new people at each turnout. January 16. 40 Cars 70 people. Our first outing for the new Millennium was the BBQ Breakfast at beautiful New Farm Park on the Brisbane River last Sunday 16th January. Just on 40 Minis and 70 plus people turned up for the first class brekkie and then headed off on the “mystery run”. This run took us up through Mt Nebo, on to Mt Glorious, then to Samford and back to home. February 13. 38 Cars 80 People The popularity of our Club and its BBQ/ Day Runs was once again evidenced by the attendance of 38 Minis and almost 80 members at Sutton’s Beach on the Redcliffe Peninsula. This was followed by a run to Maleny. After breakfast we headed to Beerburrum where we were addressed by our travelling host Kev Baker of KB Classic Parts and given a helpful touring pack before setting off following Kev’s green Morris Minor at a more sedate pace through the fabulous Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Just like following Tony! February 25. Night Navigation Run. Scott Longton gave the briefing before the start as Minis headed off in all directions around the Western Suburbs of brisbane.A great Night March 14. 1st Birthday Meeting at Brisbane BMW. The members replaced the BMW’s in the showroom at Brisbane BMW. March 18 & 19. Moogerah Dam Ski Weekend. Another fantastic weekend of Mini Club fun, ski-ing, partying. The weekend was organized by Dave Perkins who provided his ski boat and tution. April 2. MOC 1st Annual Golf Day. The first Mini Owners Club annual golf day was held on Sunday April 2nd at the Wantima Country Club Brendale. The event was a 2 ball ambrose and the day turned up a few surprises. On the second tee it was time for the first surprise. I told Tony that I was going to hit the cover off this one as I teed up the ball. With a big grin he said, “oh yeah!”. But unbeknown to Tony I had changed my ball for an exploding one. I gave it a good wack, and with a loud bang it covered us all in a white cloud of powder. The look on his face was priceless!! Thanks to Ray and Judy Retchless for the day. April 16. Six Bridges Run. Some may have thought we were doing a rehearsal for the re-make of the Italian Job when we had a pit stop during the 6 bridges run at South Bank for a cool drink and a chance to show off the cars. The run took us around the inner city suburbs. April 23. Street Rod Nationals Show. A big display of Minis at the show held at Cleveland Showgrounds on Brisbane's bayside. The interest was just fantastic. May 7. Mini Pro Family Fun Day Show-n-Shine. Another great day staged by one of Brisbane's leading Mini shops. A day of fun with lots of family activities. Thanks "Crash" for the day. May 21. The Humpy & The Brick Run. 35 Minis & 25 Holdens The “Humpy” certainly meet the “Brick” at our first combined car club fun day run. Our club joined with the FX-FJ Holden Club with a very successful observation run from Garden City to Tamborine Village (Bearded Dragon Hotel) and then on to Cleveland for a great BBQ lunch at G.J. Walter Park. Twenty five Holdens joined with 35 Minis, a great sight it was in the car park with such a display of two of the world’s motoring icons. June 10. Mini 2000 Run to Mooloolaba. 51 cars. Our BIG event of the year was the Mini 2000. The weekend started with a day run to The Wharf at Mooloolaba via the Ettamogha Pub. The lead up to this event had a touch of sameness about it, the same as the lead up to last year’s Mini 40. The man in charge of the weather seems to know when the club has a Mini event planned, and again turned on the rain tap. But, we made the most of it and turned out in force. Both groups were to meet at the Ettamogha Pub but we had hoped that we might catch up on the highway at some stage. Tony and I thought that if we kept in touch by mobile we might be able to merge at some stage such as where the Gateway Motorway merges with the Bruce Highway. We could not have timed it better. With more precision that the Olympic torch relay, as the group from the south which I was leading was going over the overpass, Tony’s group was going underneath. Both groups merged into one right on cue with me pulling in behind Tony. Our southern visitors were impressed. June 11. The BIG Day .. Mini 2000 at Lakeside. The convivial atmosphere of Valentine’s Restaurant at Browns Plains was chilled as I looked out the window and watched the rain bucket down, but our celebratory MINI 2000 dinner was in full swing. I shuddered to think of the impact of this cyclonic depression (in winter!) would have on all the hard work and efforts of our loyal team at the Mini Owners Club. Making my way to the course in the Cooper S with the wipers going furiously all the way, I anticipated being the first person there to set up the tills and trade stalls. I was wrong!. Peter Bossie and Meg beat me by a country mile, closely followed by Matt and Vanessa Abbott. With enthusiasm and support such as this, I knew we were on a winner, regardless of the weather, after all, a Mini enthusiast is a Mini enthusiast who will support clubs & committees in rain, hail or shine. Clarke Tunstall and his team sloshed around in the mud on Hamburger Hill and kept our crowds warm with spicy hamburgers, hot sausages and a variety of chips and drinks. The Ladies on the Mount, Tracey York, Carol and Megan Gould, Pat and Cassie McQuilken and Jane Carmichael warmed the cockels of this Treasurer’s heart with their successful sale of club merchandise. One of the highlights of the day was the incredible event staged by Glen Carpenter and his team – the Sprints and Motorkhana. The “Legends” came out in force and it was tremendous to see them and our own and interstate racing enthusiasts line up in the pits. It was a spectacle not to be missed as the Lakeside pits reverberated to the noise and smells it made famous many years ago. Another highlight was seeing history re-enacted with Bob Holden doing 3 laps of the track in front of an admiring and cheering crowd, in the replica 13C Cooper S he co-drove to fame in the legendary Bathurst 500 in 1966. Another was the Grand Parade when over 100 Minis lined the track for a few parade laps where we had the privilege of tucking in behind Bob Holden. June 25. RACQ Motoring of Yesteryear 2000. Again, another large display attaccted a big crowd to admire the classic cars of the past. The Minis again was the centre of interest with 25 Minis on display. July 16. Breakfast & Run to Toowoomba. 20 Minis. The Toowoomba Day Run was well attended with 20 Minis meeting at the picturesque Colleges Crossing on the upper reaches of the Brisbane River for breakfast. It was a little cold at first but that was soon forgotten as we could smell that hot bacon & eggs. We departed at about 10am for Toowoomba with Minis in convoy, which looked fantastic as we headed up the Warrego Highway. August 13. Breakfast at Mt Coot-tha & Run to Mt Mee. A big turnout to admire the views from the home of the TV stations. The run to Mt Mee was on some of the best Mini roads around. Just like the Monte Carlo!! August 27. All British Day 2000. 55 Minis on display. Every Car Club aspires to certain goals and ideals in its life, and to be awarded the prestigious All British Classics Car Club trophy for Best Club Display, is an achievement many strive for, but Sunday August 27, 2000, saw the youngest and fastest growing Car Club in Australia, the Mini Owners Club of Queensland achieve this remarkable milestone within its short life. With the banners up and the flags and pennants flapping in the breeze on the hill with over 80 members and 55 Minis of all colours arranged in a square box formation facing out, it reminded me of Custer’s Last Stand ready to do battle against the hordes. Only this time, we were the winners! Our suspicions that we had the best Club Display were confirmed at 2.00 pm when John Heselwood strutted, (I use that term accurately in this case) to the podium to receive a well deserved Trophy and the All British Classic Car Club plaque. September 17. MOC Kart Day & Run. 23 Cars & 40 members. Of our clubs many events during the year the Kart Day rates among the best. This event allows our members to experience the thrill of speed and to get a better understanding of the fine line between in and out of control! We started out from Redbank with 23 cars and looking forward to a country drive to Harrisville, where the local café owner Nev Johnson welcomed us with coffee and cake and other nice things to eat. Then it was off to the Kart track for thrill. And a thrill it was, Pres John and Dave Perkins take on an exuberant personality when in charge of a kart. October 8. Mini Mania Open Day Run. The outing was primarily to attend a farewell BBQ for Mini Mania and to show our Club’s thanks for Paul Gulson’s support over the past 18 months, and to meet the new owners, Mr & Mrs Mark Crowe and family. October 14. Wynnum Spring Parade. Our Minis took over Bay Terrace, Wynnum for the annual parade. October 22. Driver Training Day & Day Run to Rosewood. Our first Driver Training Day and another first class event for the club. The day started early for Glen Carpenter and his crew setting up the day at the Ipswich & Westmorten Race Track at Willowbank. Twenty members entered in various cars, mainly Minis of course, but a Toyota Wagon, Holden Balina GTI, Moke and a Van. While they were having fun in the dirt another group was gathering at the Ampol servo at Redbank for a run to Rosewood. The convoy of 14 Minis headed for the track to join the boy & girl racers for a bbq lunch via Rosewood for a all you can eat morning tea at Brian Carmichael’s favourite Golf Club. |