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THE MINI MAG. Volume 2 No.10 | ![]() |
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Well, I guess it had to happen sooner or later. After 41 years the last Mini rolled of the production line at the Longbridge factory in the U.K. on the 4th October 2000. The Mini holds a place in motoring history as the only car to have been produced for that long and still look the same. I guess that on the brighter side, it can only increase the value of the cars that we have here in Australia, as we know that there will be no more. The date for the “Bug & Brick Cruise” has been changed. When we set the date we failed to note that the 19th was “Bathurst Day”. I know that we have some impressive Minis in the club, but not many have TV’s in them so we feel that the turnout will suffer. The VW Club also has the same problem with Bathurst Sunday being a sacred day for a lot of their members. The joint run has been postponed till the New Year. We will still have a day run to Hastings Point, but on November 26. We finally had the first workshop at the last monthly meeting. Glen Carpenter demonstrated how to renew and adjust the ball joints on the front of your Minis. These workshops will become a regular thing at every second MGM and the next subject will be on maintaining and changing wheel bearings. Thanks Glen for the demo and I hope they do not do you out of too much business. Members, please remember that we need to support the sponsors who support your club. If you are looking for a Christmas present that is a bit different, then you won’t go past “M.O.C. Club Port”. Thanks to Vice President Darryl, we have our own limited edition bottled port with a special club label, for sale at $15 a bottle. A separate order form is enclosed in this magazine, so get in quick so you don’t miss out. There is also a reply form enclosed to book your place at the Club Christmas Party. Can you get these in early so that catering arrangements can be finalised. Remember, if you are bringing the kids, and I hope you are, bring a small present for Santa to give out to the kids. He will again be arriving in the National Nine News chopper. In the last Mini Mag, we started a new feature called “You Never Forget Your First Mini”. We have another story in this issue and would like to make it a regular feature, so send in a story on your first Mini. There is no report from your Club Captain in this issue as he is having a much earned holiday touring the U.K. and Europe. At last report, he and Kathy and the other 50 people on the tour, were out in the pouring rain window shopping in the red light street of Amsterdam. Only window shopping I hope Tony! I am sure he will have many a story when he returns. We now have a Club Minivan thanks to Dave Perkins. Dave found what he was looking for and has done a few minor repairs in order to bring it up to “as new condition”. Should make an appearance at the next monthly meeting. Thanks Dave! Our first driver training day was a great success. Twenty members took to the track to show us their new found skills and some old ones as well. Thanks Glen for a well organized event. Also thanks to Brian Carmichael for arranging the run to Rosewood Golf Club for a first class morning tea and then onto the track for lunch. See you at the next event. John Heselwood. |