THE MINI MAG. Volume 2 No.9
  September 2000

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Second Annual M.O.C. Kart Day.
Sunday September 17th 2000.

Our club has many events during the year and I believe the Kart Day rates among the best. This event allows our members to experience the thrill of speed and to get a better understanding of the fine line between in and out of control!

We started out from Redbank at 8.30am with 23 cars and looking forward to a country drive to Harrisville, where the local café owner Nev Johnson welcomed us with coffee and cake and other nice things to eat.

It was good to mix with the locals where stories of previous Mini ownership and the disappointment of having sold their car many years ago were shared. Prior to leaving, the customary group photo line-up was taken and we headed to the Kart complex, arriving at 10am.

To allow the even distribution of players we were divided into three groups and during the racing the barbecue was managed by Gavin Norris and family, who deserve a thank-you as time in which to sell raffle tickets and cook was brief. Thanks also to John H and Dave Perkins for their assistance with the day. I noticed that those two also take on an exuberant personality when in charge of a kart. I know that everyone had a ball and are hoping to be back soon – there is a possibility that a night event may be arranged before summer ends. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the supporters for attending – this day really fulfils our club members’ expectations.

Darryl Osborne.