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THE MINI MAG. Volume 2 No.4 | ![]() |
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The Mini 2000 is fast approaching and we will need your help to make it bigger and better than the highly successful Mini 40. These type of events take a lot of man power to stage and the hard working committee can not do it alone. We need volunteers to help in all areas at all times of the day. We are not asking you to work all day and not enjoy or take part in the events, but if everyone put in half an hour during the day it would also allow the committee members to enjoy the activities as well. Enclosed in this mag is an addressed envelope for you to fill out and return as soon as possible so the organisers can draw up a roster for the day. Also on the form can you indicate which of the activities that you will be attending as well as orders for the Mini2000 merchandise. The club is also looking for billets to accommodate our interstate visitors. If you can help can you get in tough with Bob Ward or Tony Formosa or myself. Also enclosed in the magazine is an entry form for the Mini 2000 Show-n-Shine. It will help the organisers if we can have as many pre-paid entries as we can so we can pre-enter the details in the computer and speed up the judging and scoring on the day. All pre-paid entrants will have two chances in the draw for a \$250 tool kit. You will see further on in the mag that a big day is planed for the Saturday of the Mini 2000. Again we will need to know numbers so bookings can be made for lunch at Fridays Restaurant at the Wharf in Mooloolaba. Our Club Captain has negotiated a great deal at \$5.95 for T Bone Steak or Reef Fish. For Saturday night, a tentative booking has been made at a couple of venues for a social get together so our members can entertain our visitors and guests. At the last committee meeting a motion was passed that the club would join CAMS. The paperwork is being processed and we should be affiliated by the Mini 2000. Glen Carpenter and Rob Watson have been appointed Motorsport Co-Ordinaters to handle the club’s planned activities on the track. Another appointment at the last meeting was that of Dating Officer. Glen will also look after this. I must point out that the club historic registration is for cars that are at least 30 years old and that the car can then only be used on club sanctioned events. It is not a cheap form of registration for your Mini to allow you to drive it to work or Uni and back! You also have to be a member of a club to maintain the concession, if you decide to not renew your subscription at any stage, the Transport Department will be notified. This month has been a busy one with the first annual MOC Golf Day on the 2nd April (see story on page 10) learning all about unleaded petrol or the lack of it at the MGM (story page 24) the “Six Bridges Run” and BBQ breakfast at Mini Pro, thanks Gary the use of your premises and Michael Blackman for arranging the day, and the Club display at the National Street Rod Convention at the Cleveland Showgrounds. I have arranged a day run with the FX-FJ Holden Club on the 21st May. This will be a fun day with a semi-navigation theme and a prize and trophy for the best score on the questions and answers during the run which will take us from Garden City to Tambourine to Mt. Cotton and Cleveland. We want to show the “Humpies” just how many “Bricks” we have in the Club. See you at the next event. John Heselwood. |